Saturday, October 10, 2009

Debate: Most Sangnest white dude in history?

This is a debate that has been going on for quite some time now, it may be even going into it thousandth year of discussion. So let's get into. This is all based on my own personal opinion though I believe it to be correct. I believe that these are the white dudes that could compete with any R&B singer. There are a lot of white rocker who can scream and a lot of white dudes who have interesting voices but to me these are the white dudes that can sang.

5. Steve Perry

Don't Stop Believe c'mon Steve killed this one. His voice was epic. He sang on this song. His voice is what made this a karaoke classic, everybody wants to hit the notes like him.

4. Justin Timberlake
This song right here made me really believe that Justin deserves to be considered one of the most sangnest white dudes in history. He was hitting the UUUUUHHHHH YEAAAAHHHHH notes that black R&B singers usually hit. Maybe that is how he got Rhianna.

3. Daryl Hall.
All you really need to say for Daryl Hall is Sarah Smile.

2. Robin Thicke
Man the Evolution of Robin Thicke was one of the most hammest R&B cds ever. I do not care what anybody says. This dude can sang. To me the song that shows this off best is I Need Love. He is hitting the Prince notes, the R Kelly notes, and the Luther notes all on the same song, come on.

1. Micheal McDonald
This dude might be the lesser known of the five but he goes. What a Fool Believes is one of the greatest songs ever. And what makes him number one is that he can do it live. And like Robin Thicke he has range. The most sangnest white dude in history.

Honorable Mention: Kenny Loggins

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