Sunday, November 8, 2009

Lil Wayne Carter documentary

I am sure that most people have seen this already. The only reason that I am posting it is because I wanted to give my opinion on it. Okay so does this music they are playing in the background really fit with this dude? That tragic figure of a dude searching for something inside of himself while looking for the girl he lost in wartime Germany in an Oscar caliber type film. I mean I do not care what anybody says Lil Wayne cannot be painted as a tragic figure, maybe in the sense that there was a lot of talent wasted. But the reason that his talent has gone to hell is through his own vices. Also is just me or does he seem like a big kid. A lot of the stuff that is done in this documentary seems very childish. Now there is nothing wrong with acting childish at times, but that kind of destroys the idea of you being a gangsta when you act like a big kid. I also though it was good that they finally showed him doing syrup. This is good because a lot of people can truly see what caused his downfall. Lastly I thought that it was hilarious that he had to subtitles. But sometimes it is really hard to understand what in the world this dude is saying.

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